July 20, 2022
Cassandra Gillespie

Beacon Hill Open House

Open House at Missouri's First Passive House

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We had a fantastic turn out at the Beacon Hill Presentation + Open House this past Saturday. It's such a wonderful feeling to have so many people interested in the type of homes we are building.

We partnered with Heartland Renewable Energy Society to put on the final open house before the homeowners move in to the Beacon Hill project.

David Schleicher, Managing Director at Kala, covered a variety of topics and answered many questions about the home, the process, Passive House, energy usage/savings and more. We also had Rick Jenkins out to discuss the certification and verification process required when pursuing Passive House Certification. 

While we have been building high performance homes and projects with Passive House principles for the last decade, we learned a lot along the path to Passive House Certification.

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