Leawood High Performance Home

Custom Home Designed with Passive House Principles in Leawood, Kansas

4 Bedrooms   3.5 Bathrooms   5,615 Sq ft

The Team

Architect: Six Twenty One

Builder: Kala

Rendering provided by Six Twenty One

It's All in the Details

Air-tight (target below 1 ACH50*), vapor-open envelope assembly

To ensure the durability of the house, it's important that it doesn't leak air in or out during the summer and winter months, and that any moisture is able to dry outside.

Thermally-broken, triple-pane, NFRC certified U-Value of 0.18 windows

High performance windows: keeping the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter without sacrificing natural light. 

R-30 thermally broken wall assembly

Exceptional insulation capacity for managing thermal transfer of energy.

R-9.2 continuous slab and R-18.4 foundation insulation

Exceptional insulation capacity for managing thermal transfer of energy and helping the slab maintain a steady temperature relative to indoor temperature.

Mechanically controlled continuously filtered fresh air system

Ensure air that is EPA IAQ+ Certified, meaning exceptionally clean air.

Heat pump hot water heater

Ultra efficient hot water source for entire home that can capture and move excess heat rather than using more energy to generate heat.

Closed loop ground source geothermal heat pump HVAC

Coupled with the control layers, ensures energy costs are 80-90% lower than a similarly sized conventionally built home.

Minimized thermal bridge design

Lowering energy required to heat and cool the house and eliminating potential for condensation in the wall system.

Installed EV charging

Ability to charge your electric vehicle in the garage.


Follow along with the project:

Rebar in footings before foundation walls have been poured
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Taking a simple extra step after pouring your foundation footings can make such a difference in the long term durability of your new custom home.
Construction site with foundation footings poured
By Cassandra Gillespie September 12, 2023
Footings are a crucial early step in the construction process.
A yellow excavator is sitting on top of a pile of rocks.
By Cassandra Gillespie August 15, 2023
We've officially broken ground on a new high performance home in Leawood, Kansas. Follow along to see this one come to life.
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